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Take control in a sentence

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Sentence count:78+2Posted:2016-09-03Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: controlout of controlunder controlcontrol groupbeyond controlon the contrarycontroversyto the contraryMeaning: v. assume control. 
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31) The Democrats had swept the fall elections and were about to take control of the Senate.
32) Schroer will take control of the four Invesco health care funds Feb. 1, the company said.
33) It's all articles on how to keep young and furnish your house and take control of your-Her: Noooo.
34) Take control of your own destiny.
35) Take control your own destiny.
36) Eh, Daniel, I can't take control of the boat.
37) Be respectful but take control.
38) Take control of Link to target the enemies in this stage.
39) It's the perfect time to take control and run with major ideas.
40) Rival environmental groups are lining up supporters to try to take control of a new net domain aimed at green groups.
41) You will take control of one of 18 families of heroes on either the Achaean or the Trojan side and build up your dynasty through the course of the Trojan War and its aftermath.
42) It is critical that you take control of that decision-making function.
43) I to get my life in track again, to take control.
44) While you can not turn back the clock you can take control of your life.
45) It was like the way bullies would take control of younger kids in the schoolyard.
46) But the board has used the incident to take control of InGen from me.
47) The Somalia gov recently signed his agreement with a Madrird Islamic group. But extreme Islamists rejected the agreement and continue to take control of towns in the center and south of Somalia.
48) Upon liquidation the liquidator will take control over all the company's assets and affairs.
49) Take control of the Green Beret, the spy, the sniper and the sapper.
50) As bebop began to take control of jazz in the early 1950s, Tatum continued playing variations of the stride piano style, mostly at small clubs throughout the country.
51) Meanwhile, since it is really difficult to take control of the medical expense cost, the medical resources were wasted seriously under the official medical expense system.
52) "The state of Israel isn't against reconciliation ... We think we should be more cautious and it should be done in such a way that the extremists shouldn't take control, " he said.
53) But back in the Far Far Away , Shrek's enemy, Prince Charming is trying to take control.
54) So if you think your temper is on the short side, make sure you learn how to take control of it.
55) Take control and before you know it you will mesmerize the person of your choice.
56) Just let go , let the music take control babe -.
57) Lest the server think holding the balls and stepping up to serve is the best way to take control of a point, imagine serving to Monica Seles.
58) Israel claims by those board that soldiers used excessive force to take control of the vessel.
59) If you find yourself in a similar position, you have to assess whether your work situation is toxic or revivable . If you decide your job is toxic,[ control.html] take control and formulate an exit plan.
60) Make no mistake: For hours, thousands of people were able to take control of other people's Twitter accounts with a trick so easy that even the newest Twitterer could execute it.
More similar words: controlout of controlunder controlcontrol groupbeyond controlon the contrarycontroversyto the contrarycontroversialtake caretake care oftake chargecontractcontrastcontrarycontributecontrast tocontractorcontributorby contrastcontributioncontretempscontribute toeconomic recoverypatroltakeintroducestakeintrospecttake to
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